"Pat Kendall is a gifted guide, sage, and healer who set in motion the beginning of an incredible transformation in my life.
As a survivor of sexual abuse and an attendee of years of previous therapy, I assumed that I would always feel some effects of that abuse, even if only minimal ones. Pat dispelled that notion by guiding me though a series of powerful Journey processes which have led me to a profound and lasting healing of body, mind, and soul. She has helped me to revitalize my work as a therapist and to rediscover and reform my injured spirituality. She has masterfully guided me to find myself again, the self who is filled with light, peace, and wonderment.
I count the day that I met Pat Kendall as a miracle in my life." — LL, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

"Have you encountered stumbling blocks on your road to success? Of course you have, we all have. Do you know what those blocks are? Most of us don't. I know I didn't.
After meeting Pat Kendall of LifePath Consulting I decided to find out what was standing in the way of the success I know I deserve. Pat used the Journey process to bring out memories I didn't know existed. It was a personal journey for me to talk face to face with the fears buried deep in my memory cells.
I walked away with an action plan to address issues as they occurred once she was not physically there for me to rely on. Today, I use that feedback when preparing for activities that, in the past, would make me bury my inhibitions and block me from success.
Pat Kendall cares deeply about individuals and uses her training and experience to help pave the way to the success I know I deserve. Whether it's anxiety, depression, or something totally unknown to you, Pat will help you identify and clear your roadblocks. I highly recommend Pat Kendall for anyone struggling with getting the results you are looking for in your life!" — DB, Certified Business Coach

"When I first saw Pat, I had had years of trauma therapy for childhood sexual abuse and family dysfunction. Despite lots of good work, I had lingering problems with fear and ambivalence in my life.
It became clear that some of this was "body memory" of repeated surgical interventions for repair of Tetralogy of Fallot, a potentially fatal heart condition that I was born with. I had never thought to approach this from a trauma perspective since surgery saved my life (I was one of the first children ever to have this experimental open-heart surgery), but obviously my cells were not of the same accord!
At the time we began Journey work on my "heart" issues, I had recently developed tachycardia and arrhythmias....my heart was simply not steady, and I was perpetually fatigued. It was suspected that my homograft pulmonary valve might be wearing out, as I had had it put in over 19 years ago, and they typically last no more than 10-15 years.
During this period, I received much prayer, and made some lifestyle changes. I also had a Journey experience that quite literally "warmed my heart." My palpitations "mysteriously" went away. My pulmonary valve was shown by an MRI to have 0% leakage—quite amazing by anyone's standards!
I am now seven months post-MRI, and my heart is beating strongly and evenly. Not only has the Journey experience helped heal my physical heart, but my emotional and spiritual heart are also more synchronous and passionate... proving to me yet again that healing of mind, body and spirit are intrinsically interconnected." — CWJ, Fort Collins

"Before coming to do Journeywork with Pat Kendall, I had been working on a particular emotional issue for a couple of years in a variety of ways, including traditional therapy, EMDR, and alternative therapies. Unfortunately, I was not seeing any real change. I was definitely stuck, not only emotionally, but in other areas of my life as well.
After only one Journey with Pat, I could feel a change. Throughout my work, I have continued to change and grow in ways that I didn't realize were possible. I am so very grateful to Pat for the work she does, and know she has had a positive, permanent effect on my life. I am no longer hooked by issues in my past that were keeping me stagnant. I have found balance in my life, and have a new eagerness with which to greet each new day. Journeywork with Pat has truly changed my life." — KG, M.S., Psychotherapist