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The recordings and accompanying scripts below are keyed to the blog posts that introduce and explain them.  Feel free to enjoy any guided meditation with or without reading the blog post first—though of course I'd love for you to read the post!  Whether you prefer to read the text alone; to listen and follow along; or (my recommended approach) to close your eyes, just lean back and let your ears soak it in... enjoy!


September 13, 2018:  Filling Up the Heart

Opening the Heart's Doors - Patricia Kendall
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Opening the Heart’s Doors


Sitting relaxed in your chair now… and breathing in even deeper relaxation… letting go… and letting the eyes close if you wish, and sinking deeper into peace… and deeper… and deeper… and imagining now that you are standing in the large chamber of your heart… notice that your heartspace is swept clean now… empty and waiting…


And as you look ahead of you now, you see that there is a large double door leading out into the world… the door between you and your world… between your love and the love of those who long to come into your heart… if only they could…  It’s a strong, heavy door that opens down the middle… the kind of door where you push on a bar to unlock it…  and you can see that this door is shut…  So you go over and you push on the bar, but it won’t budge… the door appears to be locked…


So you turn around, and there behind you is another door, at the back of the heart…  This door, though, is ajar… and you see that this door leads inward… deeper into your own being… and deeper into the One that connects us all… the Source of all creation…   And as you stand in front of this door… you are aware that there is a gentle breeze blowing in through the partly opened door… a breeze that feels warm and enfolding…  So you open this inner door a bit wider, and feel the warm breeze strengthen… and now it is blowing through the whole room of your heart… and through all of your being… as you stand there in front of this half-open door…


And now you sense a question in this warm wind… and you sense the question comes from a place even beyond your Deepest Self… that it comes from the larger, wiser wind that is Spirit itself… proceeding from the Source of All… from the One… from the Most High… and the question you hear as you stand there in this gentle breeze is this:  “Will you trust Me to move through your heart?... Will you trust the Love of the One to blow through your heart? … Will you trust That Which Is… that which can clear out the old pain and the old fears… Will you trust this Love above all else?” … 


And feeling your heart fill with welcome… with yearning for this deep, warm, welcoming Love… you say “Yes!”… and you watch this inner door swing wide open… and now the breeze becomes a gale… blowing around you, and now through you… and you feel all the hesitancies… all the remaining doubts and worries… all the little fears… all the bigger fears… being blown right off the last remaining hooks in you… blowing free… You feel them whirling around… and dissolving in this strong current of pure… warm… utterly supportive Love… 


And as your heart begins to fill with this Love… you realize it is sweeping out of you any remaining fearful beliefs… sweeping out the old questions about who you can trust… the old experiences that caused your heart’s doors to close… sweeping out all remaining worries about love… worries about your own worthiness to love and be loved… worries about how you will find love… or hold onto love… or give love… All these worries, all of this, no longer interesting… no longer important… and you find yourself relaxing even more deeply… into this infinite Love blowing through your heart… here… now… carrying everything else away… unhooking it all and letting it fly out and whirl around like old, dry leaves… and crumble… and be blown away…


And now your attention is drawn to those big double doors at the front of your heart… the doors to life… all that life out here… all those people… and you sense that this wind of pure Love is asking you to unlock the doors… and swing them open wide… and you walk confidently over to that bar and press on it… and this time it yields… and you see the doors swing open… wider… wider… and this warm wind of Love is moving out through these doors… out into your world… and yet your heart is still full… This Love is free now… free to move straight from the open heart of the Universe… through your own open heartspace… and out into your world… in greeting… in blessing… in invitation… in service… in connection… in fulfilling action in your world…


And you feel your heart filling up to the brim with this warm… understanding… utterly supportive Love… and you know that no matter what human love responds to your invitation… or passes it by… your heart is already content…  your heart is already full… and will remain full… For now your heart can rest in this Love, no matter what… and Love will dwell here, in your heart, filling it up… always… always… always…


Rest now in this knowing… Lean back into this Love which has always been… and will always be… and feel your soul rejoice… knowing others are free to respond to this call to love, in whatever ways they wish… and you are free to love them… in ways both human and divine… both personal and universal… and you are safe here… safe in the Love of the All… always… always… always…  There is room here for all the love your human self can encompass… and much, much more… in this open, once-empty heartspace which is now infinitely full…


And seeing how light it is, how bright beyond both the doors… the back, inner door and the front door to your outer world… with this light filling your heart… relax and expand into the peace that simply is… Peace… Peace… Peace… 


And when you are ready, remember the physical body that is sitting in the chair… and bring this Love through the body… and the mind…  And in the knowledge that this Love is here in each moment of your life… take in a deep breath of joy…  And feel your heart with its open doors respond with love and gratitude… and now another breath of alert focus… and a breath of presence here, now… and now, fully returned to the outer world, you can open the eyes when you’re ready.

Golden Leaves
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