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I'll be there...


To hold a deeply welcoming and respectful space for you as I facilitate your gentle opening into the core of your own Being...

To provide a broad, clear channel for healing at all levels to come rushing into our time together, whether we work in person or on the phone...

To see you always as the whole, free Being of Light that you are, and to hold that vision for you throughout your entire healing journey......

To honor your courage, show you your strengths, and applaud the courage and beauty of your healing work...

To help when you need questions answered, encouragement offered, or simply gentle understanding... and

To stand with you in the blazing light of freedom as you enter into your true heritage of infinite love, vibrant health, true peace, and wholeness at every level of your being.

These are my commitments to you and your healing journey.


Your Healing Process -
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​...because I've been there.


It is my deepest delight to help clients transform their lives by healing the past and reconnecting with the peace and freedom of their True Self. I am richly blessed by the presence of my clients in my life. This is my life's work, my lifepath as it manifests in my Journey practice in Fort Collins, Colorado and, by phone, around the world.  It is a deep honor to learn from you, to assist you in your Journey processes and to rejoice with you in your profound transformation.  But before I could help others, I had to travel that road myself...


In addition to being an Accredited Journey Practitioner, I am a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach and , Clinical Hypnotherapist, and EMDR Practitioner. I have a Ph.D. in Metaphysics, am certified as a personal and business Conscious Coach, and spent 10 years as a management development consultant. In my first two decades of counseling work I assisted many, many beautiful people to come out of deep physical and psychological trauma and re-enter their worlds as productive, "well adjusted" members of society. And yet...


In 2003 as I entered my tenth year of a successful psychotherapy practice, I knew there had to be more. Using hypnotherapy, Cellular Release therapy, EMDR and other alternative modalities, I could often facilitate deep physical and emotional healing. Satisfying as that was, I kept feeling I was ushering my clients to a door—the door to a place of infinite healing, well-being and freedom—but was not able to conduct them through that door because I had not been through it myself. I put out a deep prayer that this door would open to me.


One week later a client handed me Brandon Bays's book The Journey. Ten days after that, I attended the first-ever Journey Intensive Weekend in Boulder, Colorado. Not only did I step through that door into my Infinite Self, my cells also let go of the ulcerative colitis that had tormented me for 20 years and defied every effort to get at its cause. I have not had one moment's pain in that area since that day! Most important of all, I felt myself, my life, picked up and carried along in the currents of a healing grace that continues to astound me even as it sustains me in the Love that I am, carrying me inexorably into a deeper and deeper love affair with my life.  And if I can come to this place of healing, joy and peace, so can you.


This is the prayer I hold for you:  May the thirst for healing and growth which has brought you to this website bring you ever-increasing happiness, peace and love. Your true heritage is wholeness and joy. I would be honored to help you claim it through one or more of the many LifePath processes and tools.


As an Accredited Journey Practitioner, it is my delight to work by phone with clients from all over North America and Europe. If it feels right, give me a call at (970) 482-2974 or e-mail me to schedule your FREE PHONE CONSULTATION. I'd love to chat with you, get your questions answered and see if there's a fit here.  I hope to speak with you soon!

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